

Implementation by nurses

Ensured cooperation from surgical nurses Surgical nurses are responsible for providing the explanation

Methods of explanation and preparation

Dolls are used A “ward mascot” was created Use a self-produced information video Produce a booklet, use picture books for explaining Use praise

Considerations for implementing psychological preparation

Important to follow the lead of the child Important to adjust to the child’s level of understanding Build rapport with the nurse

Psychological preparation of the child is necessary

Psychological preparation of the child is important Not limited to surgical procedures Implemented when anxiety is severe

Effectiveness of explaining to children

Effective when implemented before and after surgical procedure Awareness of the importance of child preparation is raised, when psychological preparation is implemented

Positive reaction of children and their families

Acceptance in infants is favorable Able to build a trusting relationship with the child’s family Measurement was possible by allowing them to touch the blood pressure gauge Proudly announced termination of IV drip to pediatric roommates Able to see the child striving hard

Difficulty in post-implementation evaluation

Evaluation was difficult as the surgery only required a short hospital stay Not evaluated

Do not know

Do not know how to proceed Do not know as I am a physician in Pediatric Internal Medicine

Not practicing psychological preparation

Busy schedule and time consuming The challenge is finding a way to implement it with all the children Due to a short hospital stay Located in a mixed ward alongside adults It was not a major procedure that required explanation Unable to obtain the understanding of superiors Explanation was parent-centered

Requirements for dissemination of the practice

Interest in finding out approach of other hospitals Interest in opportunities to learn Not useful unless data is compiled Learn ways to disseminate the practice Sharing of information with other professions Convenient if picture books and other explanation tools are commercially available